Thursday, January 31, 2008

Going to have another week...

...without James around. He is heading back to Wisconsin Monday morning for the week. So Faith and I will be moving into my parents house. Sure haven't seen much of James lately and it makes me sad. He's been busy every single night this week and tonight is the only night we can just spend as a family. He has a cadet campout this weekend so he'll be gone tomorrow night until Saturday sometime. Then we have Sunday and he leaves Monday morning, bright and early. I'm hoping that we can have a date night on Saturday but we'll see. We need one! It's been awhile since he and I have just been out together. Not sure what we'll do but we'll figure that out later!
This past week has been ok. I am still not feeling the greatest and I'm bummed about that. Yesterday I babysat my friends daughter (2nd grader) all day since she had a snow day. That was fun. We watched movies, played games and colored. It was all good. Faith liked having another person around to watch. And Sierra liked holding Faith and talking to her. It was cute! James has been busy working. He's been all over town this week.
James and I are both doing Weight Watchers again and so far this month I've lost 12 pounds and James has lost 13 (i think). From Sept I am down 19 pounds!! I am so excited! I workout 3x a week with one of my good friends and I'm just really watching what I eat. I am really motivated to stick to it this time and I want to continue to do well. It helps having James around to support me and vice versa. I've wanted to be thinner and healthier for a long time and I'm finally getting there! Still going to take some time, and I'm ok with that. Just as long as I know I'm working hard at it!
Well, Faith is up from her nap so I have to go. We pray that everyone is doing well.


KT said...

Congrats on the weight loss! How exciting! I still have my baby pouch, but I always let myself go in the winter. Spring brings workouts again. Bummer that James isn't around much. We miss you guys.
Little guy is doing well.

Shanna said...

way to go! 12 pounds..that is freakin fantastic!! if you need extra motivation just give me a call!