Thursday, May 31, 2007

Another Hot Day

Sure is a hot one here today! I went out for lunch with one of my good buddies and I couldn't believe how hot it was! I am thankful for my air conditioned house and car! And also thankful that restaurants have A/C. After lunch I stopped by my mom's school and visited with her for a bit but her school doesn't have A/C and I was getting so uncomfortable that I decided I better leave. Ankles sure are swollen today from this darn heat! Guess I'll have to go and rest for awhile.
James' softball team won last night, 18-9!! His team didn't have the best of nights but they pulled together for a big W! I ended up going and sure was warm. Plus the bugs were very annoying. But it was worth going. I just love watching James play. He didn't play the greatest but that's ok. He's hoping that next week he'll do better.
Tonight for dinner I think we're gonna grill chicken. Not sure what else to have with it. Sure wish I had some good side dish recipes. Especially for the summer. Something with fruit. I'm all about fresh fruit! I'd rather have that then *gasp* chocolate! Call me silly, but since I've been pregnant, sweet stuff is not something I crave. Which I am thankful for. Sure has helped me eat healthier and not gain a lot of weight.
Any else have trouble sleeping during the end of their pregnancy? What did you do to help you sleep? I have pillows in bed that I try to surround myself in but I just can't get comfortable. And then of course if I do get comfortable, I have to use the bathroom! Last night I ended up moving to the couch about 3:30am. James woke up and had no idea where I was. He was worried something was wrong. Ain't he sweet?!?!? Oh, and talking of sweet, we were watching A Baby Story on TLC yesterday and he had never seen that show before (can you believe it?!?!) and he was soooooooooo attached to the TV. He couldn't believe everything that was happening to the woman in labor and watching the baby come out. He said afterwards that he could almost cry just thinking that is going to be us in about 9 weeks! He's really worried that he won't be able to stand watching me be in pain. But I know the Lord will give him the strength he needs!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

New to this

James and I are new to this whole blog thing but we have been told by several people that we should start one. So, here it is!!
Last night after dinner I was looking thru one of my pregnancy books and was reading about Emergency Concerns and realized that I had some of these symtoms-hardening of stomach, cramping. So I called my parents and they came over and then I called the on-call doctor and she sent me to the ER for possible pre-term labor! So off to the ER we go and spent a couple of hours there. All is well. All the tests came back negative and I am told to stay off my feet as much as possible and to stay inside (since it's 90's here!) and drink at least 12 cups of water!!! 12 cups?!?!?!? Good grief, talk about living in the bathroom!!! My mom treated us to McDonald's afterwards as I was hungry and wanted their grilled chicken sandwich. Sure tasted yummy! So today I slept in and have just been doing nothing all day, besides drinking all my water and visiting the potty! I'll be glad when those visits will not be as frequent!
James right now is working on putting new door knobs on our interior doors. Sure are looking nice! We had gold ones on there and I am not a gold person. So finally, after 3 1/2 years of owning the house, we are changing them! Not sure what took us so long to do it.
James has a softball game tonight and I am debating about going. I love going and don't want to miss it but he is not real keen on me being there. So we'll see how hot it is around 7:30pm tonight and then we'll decide. Hopefully his team will win. They haven't lost a game yet. Granted tonight is their third game, but his team has really pulled together this year. James is the coach and I think that has helped a lot as the coach last year was really tough on the guys and didn't handle mistakes very well. So there is a lot less pressure on everyone!
Well, I don't think I did too bad on this posting thing. Hopefully I will remain active on it. I will have to learn how to post pictures so I can get some on here. If anyone knows, please clue me in!