Thursday, January 31, 2008

Going to have another week...

...without James around. He is heading back to Wisconsin Monday morning for the week. So Faith and I will be moving into my parents house. Sure haven't seen much of James lately and it makes me sad. He's been busy every single night this week and tonight is the only night we can just spend as a family. He has a cadet campout this weekend so he'll be gone tomorrow night until Saturday sometime. Then we have Sunday and he leaves Monday morning, bright and early. I'm hoping that we can have a date night on Saturday but we'll see. We need one! It's been awhile since he and I have just been out together. Not sure what we'll do but we'll figure that out later!
This past week has been ok. I am still not feeling the greatest and I'm bummed about that. Yesterday I babysat my friends daughter (2nd grader) all day since she had a snow day. That was fun. We watched movies, played games and colored. It was all good. Faith liked having another person around to watch. And Sierra liked holding Faith and talking to her. It was cute! James has been busy working. He's been all over town this week.
James and I are both doing Weight Watchers again and so far this month I've lost 12 pounds and James has lost 13 (i think). From Sept I am down 19 pounds!! I am so excited! I workout 3x a week with one of my good friends and I'm just really watching what I eat. I am really motivated to stick to it this time and I want to continue to do well. It helps having James around to support me and vice versa. I've wanted to be thinner and healthier for a long time and I'm finally getting there! Still going to take some time, and I'm ok with that. Just as long as I know I'm working hard at it!
Well, Faith is up from her nap so I have to go. We pray that everyone is doing well.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Sure has been about a week since I've last posted. Time just gets away from me! Let's see...what have we been up to?!?! Well, James has been busy working in Kalamazoo. He'll be there for awhile yet. It's a big job. They are really busy as they are getting more and more bids every week. We are so thankful for that!
Faith has been just loving sitting up! She'll just sit there forever and play with her toys. She's getting to be such a big girl! She also loves, loves, loves her exersaucer. She'll see that and she gets all excited so in she goes! She'll spend all day in there. She's getting close to crawling and I just know that one of these days she's gonna take off! However, I'm enjoying her NOT crawling at the moment because once she's got it figured out, she's gonna be all over the place. She is a mover. She's not one to sit still. She'll sit still when it comes time to have her bottle and also when we read a book. Other than that, she's gotta move! I just love being home with her every day. It's such a blessing.
I haven't been up to much lately. Yesterday Faith and I got out and went for lunch with a friend that we haven't seen in awhile. That was fun. Then we stopped in at my mom's work to see everyone. Everyone just loves Faith! I've been keeping busy working out and also just spending time with Faith. She is starting to be awake more during the day so we spend lots of time talking and playing. We have friends over a lot during the week and weekend so that keeps us busy. Never a dull moment around here!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sitting Up

Faith started sitting up all by herself today!!! We were at my parents house for lunch this afternoon and stayed into the evening (actually still here for dinner!!) and I put Faith on her buns and slowly moved away and she stayed sitting up for a long time! My mom and I snapped a bunch of pictures and I couldn't wait to post them! I'm so excited!
Also Faith is starting to reach out for me to hold her too. It's just so fun seeing her grow up!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fun With The Cousins

Don, Jodi, Anna and Eve came to Grand Rapids this weekend to visit with friends and family. We went to James parents house Friday night to have a dinner all together. It was so good to see them. Faith loved visiting with her cousins! And soon she will have a 3rd cousin from Don and Jodi to play with! They are expecting in August! We are soooooo excited for them!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Poor Honey Buns

My poor Faith is sick! Since Sunday afternoon/early evening, she has been really fussy and just not acting like herself. I took her temp last night and it was 102.2!!!! So once James got home from work we brought her into the ER. Everything checked out ok except for her high fever so we are treating that. She's also has a runny nose and is sneezing all the time. Poor thing hardly slept last night (which also means neither did I!!!). I was up at 1am giving her a bath and trying to feed her and just keep her calm. She needs to stay home and get some rest and hopefully within the next couple of days she'll be over this so we can keep our weekend plans!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Faith's New Activity

I came home from church tonight to find Faith having a blast in her exer-saucer. (ok, i have no idea how to spell that!!) Hope you enjoy the pictures and the video!! Sure brought smiles to my face!

7 Months

Seven months ago at this time (4:41pm) James and I were sitting in the hospital getting ready for Faith to be born! I can't believe she is 7 months old already! I think since becoming parents, time has flown by! And too quickly at that!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Surgery Date

Well, we just got notified of Faith's surgery. It is going to be Friday, March 28 at DeVos Children's Hospital. stomach is all of a sudden not feeling well.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Update on Faith

Just wanted to let everyone know Faith's current weight and length. She is 12 pounds 3 ounces and 25"!!! She is growing. She's still in the 5th percentile for her age (actually, it's her adjusted age). But overall, she's doing well. Everyone seems happy with her progress. We are so thankful that she's growing at a steady rate.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No Title for this one...

Not sure what to title this post so I'm not having one. Things are going well for us. We met with Faith's surgeon this past Monday and we're looking at April for surgery. No date is set yet. The doctor will set the date and then notify us of the date. My parents are hoping it isn't anytime between April 5-12 as that is when they'll be in Florida and they want to be around. Which I do too. I am so scared for Faith to have this surgery. But I know it's for the best!
James has been working here, there and everywhere! They are really busy so we are thankful for that! I have been busy hanging out with Faith. This afternoon we are going shopping with a friend. Will be good to be out and about on such a beautiful day! I can't believe how warm the weather has been lately!! Sure is nice!
Well, that's about all that's been happening around here. Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sports Fan

When it comes to baseball, Faith is a Tiger's fan. When it comes to football, she is a Michigan fan! Go Faith!!!

Giggling Faith

This is a video of Faith giggling when playing with one of our good friends. I wish I had the camera earlier as she was just laughing so hard! But this video catches some of it. Oh so very cute!!