Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Poor Honey Buns

My poor Faith is sick! Since Sunday afternoon/early evening, she has been really fussy and just not acting like herself. I took her temp last night and it was 102.2!!!! So once James got home from work we brought her into the ER. Everything checked out ok except for her high fever so we are treating that. She's also has a runny nose and is sneezing all the time. Poor thing hardly slept last night (which also means neither did I!!!). I was up at 1am giving her a bath and trying to feed her and just keep her calm. She needs to stay home and get some rest and hopefully within the next couple of days she'll be over this so we can keep our weekend plans!

1 comment:

Shanna said...

poor little baby! i hope she starts feeling better soon, and that you can get some sleep