Saturday, June 30, 2007

Doing Good!!

Faith is doing so well! She weighed in tonight at 4 pounds 12 oz!!!! She is starting to take from a bottle but only little at a time and not at every feeding. She needs a special bottle called the Haberman (i think that's how it's spelled!). We gave her a bath today. She does really well for those. She loves getting her hair washed. Must be a girl thing! She just smiles while I'm washing it. I'm hoping she continues to enjoy her tubby time!
I am doing better with each day that passes. Still get tired easily so in the afternoons I just rest. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. Still need prayers as not having Faith home is really difficult for us. It's hard leaving her every night. But we know that one day she will be home with us! We can't wait until that happens!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Faith's progress

Faith continues to improve day by day. She still remains in the NIMU(intermediate care) at the hospital. She also remains on the feeding tube until she is able to take from a bottle. She did take 7 mL from a bottle this morning but she is just too young yet and it takes all her energy to just suck that much. They will continue to try and see how she acts. Faith is up to 4 pounds 10.4oz and is gaining weight with her feedings which is very good. Please pray for her that she is get stronger and continues to develop according to the Lord's will. Pray also for the doctors that care for her.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's Me!!

Hey everyone, it's me Julie! I just want to say thanks for all your prayers, phone calls, and visits. They really have meant a lot to James and I. I am feeling better but still not 100%. I'm hoping that soon I will feel normal again, whatever that is! LOL I am happy to say though that I've lost 36 pounds already! I can't believe it! I'm thinner now then when I first got pregnant! Sure feels good!
Please continue to pray for Faith. She is doing really well so far. Before she is able to come home she has to learn how to suck, swallow and breathe at the same time and also has to drink from a bottle for at least 48 hours straight. This probably won't happen for a couple of weeks yet but we're praying it happens soon! We want her home!
Please also continue to pray for strength for me. I get tired super easy and just can't do much right now. Sure is frusterating for me as there are things that need to be done and I am not able to do them and I feel bad having James do so much since he works and I don't want to be a bother to him. So pray that I will be able to get back on my feet soon!
Thanks again for everything. We appreciate all that has been done for us.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Family update

Julie came home Saturday night and she has been feeling better with everyday that passes. Her blood pressure is still an issue but is better with medication. She has to see her OB specialist this week regarding this issue. Faith is doing great. She has gained a couple of ounces and 1.5" in a week(that must come from daddy's side along with her HUGE feet). She will be introduced to taking formula from a bottle this week so pray that she take and all issues regarding this will be minimal. She is getting stronger with everyday. Yesterday, she had 4 stinky diapers in 1 hour(she must be daddy's little girl:):)). Other than that, life seems to be getting back to some normality.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Julie's D-day

Yes that means DISCHARGE DAY!!!!!!!!! Julie's blood pressure has been stabilized by medication and she WILL be coming home today. What a long journey but God has has with her through it all and He will never leave or forsake us. I am looking forward to her being back home so it won't be so quit around here. I am so thankful for all of the prayers that she has been lifted up by and I never realized how power prayer is. Words can't describe how great our ALMIGHTY GOD is. Thanks for all of your prayers and support but continue to up lift us in the days and weeks ahead.

Faith continues to get stronger everyday. She had her first BLOWOUT yesterday and I think that comes for James' side. It was the first day we put her own clothes on her and she does that. She is back to 4.5 pounds and is changing everyday and one day she will be able to join daddy and mommy at home. Please continue to pray for God to strengthen her everyday and protect her. Thanks again.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Faith's pictures

Faith's progress

Here are a few pictures of her making progress for the Incubator to the open air bassinet. See is doing great and gained 4 oz. yesterday. Thanks for your continues prayers.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Family update

Julie remains on the ICU floor of the Heart Center. She went to see Faith today so that was good. The only bad part of it was Julie's blood pressure went through the roof again and that is why she hasn't been moved yet. So the doctors are going to start giving her an longer lasting med so maybe this problem will go away. It was good however for her to see Faith and get to hold her and change a poopy diaper:) That comes for her dad:):) Please pray that Julie's blood pressure comes down and that she way be able to go home soon.

Faith is doing great and she got moved today into a private room instead of the BIG room with 12-15 other babies there. There are only 2 other babies in her new room. I haven't seen her yet today but don't worry I will at some point.

So I don't think discharge orders will come until Saturday now at the earliest but that could change. We trust in God that Julie will be restored to full health and when that happens we will sing praises to Him. Thanks

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Faith's condition

Faith is doing so good. She is out of the incubator and is now in a basinet. She is getting feed every three hours and they are the max they can give her until the feeding tube is out. Hopefully that will be within the next week or so. Her weight is around 4 pounds and she is about 18 inches long. That means she gained over an inch in one week so I think it comes from the dad's side:) along with her BIG FEET. She is gaining strength everyday from our great God who is so good. We are so in need everyday for God's grace for which we are not deserving of but He has mercy and compassion for everyone who trusts in Him.

On a side note, Julie is sitting up in a chair and that for her feels so good to her. SHe is in good spirits and thats great. They are going to move her in the morning to another floor and hopefully will be able to see Faith and hold her.

These are all answers to prayers and that prayer is so powerful. Thanks

Julie's Condition

Julie remains in the ICU in the hospital. She just got all of her IV's out and we are waiting to see how her body reacts to that. Her blood pressure has went up a little bit so she will remain in the hospital for a few more days but hopefully not in ICU. She is still receiving medication for her blood pressure issue. They hope to move her to another floor so that she can see and hold Faith since she hasn't held or seen Faith since Sunday night. She still has sensors monitoring her vitals. They hope to get her up and out of bed at some point in the near future. Julie appreciates all of your prayers and has come to tears knowing we have so many friends caring/praying for her. I thank you for all of your prayers and please continue to pray for both Julie and Faith for the upcoming weeks ahead. I will post another message regarding Faith after I go up and she her later tonight. Thanks again.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

God is SO great!!!

Julie continues to improve but they are making her stay overnight for further observation. Her blood pressure is back down near normal. They now have to slowly take her off a few medication but will continue on the blood pressure meds. She will need to be on this for the next little while until it is at a regular state. God has answered so many prayers and I feel totally at peace and me nerves are very clam. The Lord has given me the strength get through the past week and will continue until Julie and Faith come home.

Faith improves almost by the hour. She, in the last 24 hours, has had her feedings double and she has kept it down(I think that comes from my side of the family:). Her jaundice levels have decreased far enough so she doesn't have to be under the Billi lamps. She now needs to be able to hold her body temperature and then she will be put into a open air crib. She continues with the help of our great GOD!!!!!! Thanks for all of your prayers.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Home away from Home

The last 5 days have gone by so fast and it doesn't seem real. I became a dad and Faith is beautiful. This morning Julie complained of a severe headache. I brought her to the hospital and they gave her a lot of meds to make her feel better. She then had two seizures about 30 minutes apart and then they said she would stay in the hospital over night to reduce the risk of another seizure. She has a condition called Eclampsia which occurs in 1 out of 4 pregnancies. Her blood pressure has been through the roof and that is one of the main causes of this condition. She is in ICU at the Heart Center in GR. Please pray that she returns to full health and that she is able to take care of Faith when she comes home. So yes I think I have stayed at the hospital more than our house the last 5 days. We covet your prayers and trust God will heal both Julie and Faith and also keep me strong caring for both of them.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Quick Update

Just wanted to give a quick update on Faith:
She lost 3 oz yesterday but they are not worried as this is common in premie's and babies in general when they are first born.
She is under the heat lamp for jaundice, again they are not worried as this is common.
She got moved today from the NICU to the intermediate care this afternoon! So she is doing good! Hopefully she will continue to improve so she can come home soon!
Please pray for us as this is hard for us to not have her home. We are thankful for her care that she is getting at the hospital.
If anyone would like to visit her or with us, just give us a call. We would love company!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Faith's Picture

Here is a picture of Faith Marie. This was taken just a couple hours after she was born. I'll post more pictures when I have time. So far she is doing good. Everyone seems happy with her improvement. Just please continue to pray for her to get stronger and healthy so she's able to be home with us. Today is going to be a hard day for me/us as I will be leaving the hospital and will have to travel to see her every day. Sure will be hard not having her home with us for awhile.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Faith Marie

Wanted to annouce that James and I welcomed our daughter, Faith Marie, Wednesday June 13 at 10:05pm. My water broke yesterday at 3pm, called my doc's office who then told me to go to ER. Called James and he came home from work and took me in. My parents met us at the hospital. Contractions started around 5:30ish or so. The docs and nurses were trying to stop them, but didn't work. By 9pm I was dilated to 2cm and then when I was checked again at 9:40ish, I was fully dialated and ready to push. All the doc has to say is "delievery" and people came from all over, lights started coming from the ceiling, bed came apart......good grief! She sure came fast and furious! We weren't able to hold her for a couple hours after she was born. They had to put her in neonatal and do their thing. Plus I had to get cleaned up and eat dinner before they would let me go. So about 12:30AM we got to hold her and see her. Sure was great! I will be in the hospital until tomorrow. Faith will be in the neonatal unit for about a month. They want to make sure she will thrive on her own first. But so far she is doing good. She weighed 4 pounds 6 oz, 16.9" long. Head full of dark hair! People say she looks like me but it's so hard to say. I think she looks like herself! I will post pics as soon as I can figure it out. I will keep everyone updated on things.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bed Rest Day #1

So today was official day #1 of my bed rest. Went good. I slept in and then pretty much did nothing. Took naps. James came home and mowed the yard and then we were going to make hamburgers for supper but my parents brought us dinner instead. Sure was nice for James not to have to make dinner. I think hamburgers are on our menu for tomorrow night. We bought corn on the cob from Meijer this week and that is pretty tasty. Can't wait to have it tomorrow night!
James and I just got done watching the Detroit Tigers baseball game and what a great game it was! Justin Verlander had a no hitter, 12 K game. He did great! The whole team did good. James has already been on the phone with my dad and his brother Bob about the game. So glad that James can have those two to talk to about baseball.
My dad and James are such good buds. They talk almost on a daily basis about anything and everything. When we go out with my parents it's always a good time as those two keep us laughing. We are so blessed with a good relatioship with my parents. My mom and I also have a close relationship. Speaking of them, here they are! They decided to stop by for a bit. I'll write more within the next day or two.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Went to see my doctor this afternoon and told her how miserable I am due to all the swelling. Also explained to her about my visit to ER on Friday night. She has decided to put me on bed rest until next week Wednesday and we'll see from there how I am doing. It will probably end up being off for a few days, then on, then off, then on and so forth until the baby is here. Who knows. I feel bad as this puts more stress on James and he has to do more things around the house and make dinners and such. I have a friend who has offered to bring dinner once this week, I'm sure my folks will one night, and I think that James' parents might too. So that will help. I'm only allowed up to go potty and take a shower. I hope and pray that James will have the patience to take care of me and that I will be able to stay off my feet. I haven't been real faithful yet tonight with that. Sure is hard staying put.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Can't Get Enough

So....I spent another evening at the ER last night. I thought I had lost my mucus plug so I called the answering service for my doc's office (since it was after hours) and I talked to a triage nurse and she sounded concerned so she sent me to OB triage. But all is well. And according to the nurse at the hospital, there is no such thing as a mucus plug. So I don't know. But I've been having trouble with my blood pressure and also tons of swelling in feet, ankles, and hands so I have to be seen by my doc ASAP next week. Probably gonna get put on limited activity. Which would be kinda nice as it's getting more and more difficult to work and I just come home extremely tired and sore. So we'll see what my doc says! Knowing her she probably won't do a darn thing. I'm not real happy with her but don't want to switch OB docs now! Kinda late in the game to do so. But I think after the baby is born, I'm gonna look for a new doc for all of us. (she is family med and also OB so James see's her too).
Last night, before the ER visit, we went to Babies R Us with my parents and got the babies crib, car seat and stroller!!!!! James and I put together the stroller late last night/early this morning. I was pushing it around the house and kept running into things! I think I need driving lessons on that thing! LOL James wants to put the crib together today but we'll see. Still have to get a crib mattress and not really sure where to go for one. We want a decent one but don't want to spend tons of money on it either. My mom said she would look around for us so hopefully she'll find one for a great price!
James has been working hard on getting the dresser finished this morning. I think he has it primed and painted. Or at least 1 coat of paint. Still have to get new knobs for it and put those on it and then once the last coat of paint is on, it's all set! The room is coming together! Makes me so excited and nervous at the same time. Can't believe she will be here in about 8 weeks! I can't wait to hold her for the first time. Gonna be the best!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Pedicure Pleasure

So today I went and recieved a pedicure! Sure felt good to have my feet get pampered! My toes look so pretty! I could go for one every week if they weren't so expensive. James bought me a gift certificate for Christmas for one so I used that. Also got my hair trimmed. Sure was getting long! I'm amazed at how fast my hair is growing while being pregnant. My nails are growing too! My nails actually look decent! Wish they would stay looking nice but I'm sure they won't.
James and I have talked and prayed about the car situation. We are going to stick with one car until about September and then we'll purchase him one. Unless we find a great deal before that. We'll still look to see what's out there and the price ranges so we can get an idea of what we are looking to spend.
Had my OB appt yesterday. Everything is good. Baby sounds good and is measuring good. My ankles are swollen and she said to just lay down and rest my feet up high. So I've been trying to do that. Sure hope the swelling doesn't get worse! If it does, my feet won't fit into any of my shoes! My flip flops are even getting tight to wear. Can't walk around bare feet all the time!
Tonight we are going to Juan and Tiebout's high school graduation. They are my brother's and sister-in-law's foreign exchange students that have been living with them since last August. Tiebout is from France and he is returning home on the 10th. Juan is from Equador and is returning home mid June. I don't remember when exactly. They have been fun to have around. I will miss them. I think Kevin and Myssi (brother and SIL) are going to get more exchange students come fall. They really enjoy it. Not sure where these 2 are going to be coming from and if they're boys or girls but we'll have to wait and see!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


So today has been very stressful for me. Started when James called me this morning saying that he is no longer able to take home his work truck as fellow employee's don't and they feel he is getting special treatment. So, that means he somehow then needs transportation to and from work. I just started crying and had to hang up as I couldn't talk anymore on the phone. Just way too upset. So that means we need to somehow get him transportation to and from work. Can't afford another car. Don't know what we're gonna do yet. Work is stressful as I work with people who are not very intelligent and don't know what they are doing and when are told how to do something correctly, they don't remember and I just get stressed about it. My office gets bad reviews from patients and I try my best to please them but this one employee is just so rude and doesn't even realize it. She has been with the company for more than 10 years and she has had bad reviews every year. Wouldn't this tell ya something?!?!? Instead of management stepping up and taking action, she gets passed from office to office for someone else to deal with her. It's just so frusterating because our office has lost good employee's due to this one. And everyone complains to me about it instead of our manager. I've had several chats with my manager and she says she will "look into things." Gosh, I could just go on and on...but I won't. I'm also stressed as I'm uncomfortable and in pain due to my pregnancy. I still have a little over 8 weeks to go and I sure hope they go quickly! I pray everyday that God gives me the strength to make it thru and so far He has.
Well, I think I've vented enough on here for one day. All is well besides stress. James' work is going great and he's been getting at least 40 hours a week. He is working on finishing a dresser for the babies room. Just needs to be primed and painted and it's all set to go! Then I can actually start putting the room back together. And this weekend my parents are going to by the crib for us so then we can get that put together and in the room. I'm so excited! Things are starting to come together and it feels good!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Relaxing Afternoon

Sure has been a nice day to just relax. James and I went grocery shopping this afternoon and it sure was hot! After we got home I went and layed down for a bit. Felt good to just rest in bed. With my kitties by my side of course! They just love their mommy! If I lay on the couch, Frankie will come and lay on my hip and fall asleep. Freddie will then come up and lay on my feet. So then of course I am trapped! But it's ok. I'm just glad that they love cuddling!
I am feeling better today. I do think that all my misery is due to my UTI. I haven't had a lot, if any, tightening feeling in my stomach today and the pain/cramping is now lower which the doc said is common with UTI and was surprised I wasn't having the pain there to begin with. My muscles in my stomach are sore though. Probably due to the tightening that's been going on for the past week. James is taking good care of me. This morning he made me toast and brought it to me in bed, he did all the laundry and folded it, and he made dinner. I helped a bit with dinner but he took over mostly. He wants me to be as comfortable as I can. I'm trying not to be lazy and do nothing but I have definitely slowed down and James has taken over a lot. I am so thankful that he is so good to me. Makes me love him even more!

Friday, June 1, 2007

ER Trip #2 For The Week

Still been battling with stomach cramps and tightness and I had noticed that the more I move around, the worse the pain got. It was nice the past 2 days as I had them off from work but by the time I arrived at work this morning, I was miserable. I thought I could work thru it but it just kept getting worse. So I called my doctor's office and talked to the nurse there who then talked to the doctor and they told me to go back to OB Triage at the ER. So I told my boss and I called James and he met me at home and then off we went. The doc at the hospital wasn't really sure how to treat my symtoms. She called me a "mystery". She said the baby is fine, not in any distress. I wasn't having contactions (thankfully!!) and she could feel how hard my stomach was. They looked at the report from when I was there on Tuesday and they also had some more results from tests from that night. Come to find out, I have a UTI. Doctor isn't sure that that's causing my pain but is treating me for that and hopefully it will help. She said that when you're pregnant, pain radiates everywhere so sometimes it's hard to know exactly where the pain is coming from. Could also just be my body adjusting to her growing as the doc said she's a big baby! So I have to rest, rest, rest! Oh, and of course, drink LOTS of fluids! I'm not on official bed rest yet and I'm praying it doesn't come to that but the more I just relax and lay down, the better I feel. So hopefully this weekend I can just do nothing and by Monday I'll feel better to return to work. I see my OB doc on Wednesday so hopefully it will all be resolved by then. And if not, who knows what's next.