Friday, November 30, 2007

Attack of the Cereal!!!!

So today I thought I would feed Faith some cereal. She was acting hungry and it wasn't time for her bottle yet so I thought I would try cereal. She has no idea how to eat it. Poor thing kept trying to eat the spoon! I think she got some, not sure though...what do you think??

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Yesterday was a hard day for me. I was in a lot of pain, more than what I thought I would be in. I had a lot of help though so that was great. Today I'm doing a bit better. I am alone with Faith and so far things are going good. She's doing really well. She's liking it that her mommy is paying attention to her. Poor thing didn't get a lot of attention from me Tuesday or yesterday. It hurts to pick her up and hold her so I'm trying to do that as little as possible. Which is no fun for me. I'm still in pain today but I am dealing with it as best as I can. I plan on napping when she does, which is hopefully soon! I'm ready for a nap.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Surgery Today

Wanted to let everyone know that my surgery went well today. James and my mom took me. I am doing ok. I am in a lot of pain right now but am hoping that will go away soon! I have 4 small incisions on my stomach. We got home shortly after 5pm and I've just been taking it easy this evening. Hopefully tomorrow will go ok for me. One of my good friends is coming over to help out with Faith so that will be nice. Then I can just take care of myself and don't have to worry about Faith.
Thanks for everyone's prayers. They have meant a lot to me.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tomorrow = Big Day

So tomorrow is my surgery. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I wanting it to be over with? Yes. I am not looking forward to having surgery but at the same time I am as I want this pain to be over with. And I know that I won't be pain free right away after surgery, but hopefully it will be a different type of pain that I'm dealing with and one that I can handle better. I am thankful for everyone who has stepped up to help us out during this time-those who have watched Faith for us while I was at the hospital, those who have brought me to the hospital, all the prayers everyone has offered, and also for the help that is to come-meals, more prayers, and also those who will be taking care of Faith and myself. I am hoping that after this ordeal, I won't visit the hospital for a very long time!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

ER Visit #4

So last night around 11pm James brought me to the ER as I was having extreme pain and couldn't get it under control. ER did bloodwork and also another ultrasound which all came back normal. So they just gave me lots of pain meds and we came home about 4am. If the tests would've come back abnormal, they would've removed my gall bladder, which is what we were really hoping for. I'm so sick of being in pain! I just want this over with. Oh well, three more days until surgery.

Pictures from Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was a busy but good day for us. We started out by going to church with James parents and then we visited with them for about an hour at their house before heading off to my side of the family for lunch and the rest of the day. Here are some pictures from the day.

Here is Faith with her Grandpy.
Faith and her Grandmie.
Faith and Pierce
Not too sure about this!
Faith and Grandma Overbeek and Great Grandma Bosma.
Faith sitting on Great Grandma Bosma's lap.
Faith, Grandpa and Grandma Overbeek, Great Grandma Bosma
Faith and her dad!
Faith and Uncle Kevin.

Monday, November 19, 2007


With Thanksgiving coming up, it makes me think of everything that I am thankful for. Here are just a few:


We have a busy day planned for Thanksgiving. We are going to church with James' parents at their church that they attend, then we are headed to their house for awhile, then off to my family's get together for lunch and going to spend the afternoon there. We have family and friends coming into town this weekend so we will be hanging out with them also at some point this weekend. Sure is going to be busy. But it will be nice as James has a 4 day weekend so it'll be good to spend time together as a family.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

In Case You're Wondering....

I should've mentioned in my last post about James and where he is thru all this. He's been working in Wisconsin since Monday and is coming home tomorrow night. First it was just going to be until Tuesday, then it got pushed back to Wednesday, then to Thursday, and now...Friday! Sure has been one long week for all of us! Faith and I are anxious to see him tomorrow night and spend time with him this weekend. Gonna have nice family time, just the three of us!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ER Visit #3 and also Surgery Date

So this morning made trip #3 to the ER. I woke up around 3am with severe pain and I couldn't get it under control with just the Vicodin so my dad brought me to the ER and some good friends of mine came over to watch Faith. They gave me the good pain meds and got the pain under control. I'm still in pain, but it's better than what it was 12 hours ago!
I met with the surgeon today and surgery is scheduled for Nov 27. Sure feels like a long time away yet. I'm hoping that I can make it until then. If there are any cancellations, they will call me so I can get in sooner. But the 27th is the very first available appointment. Lucky me!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

5 Months Old

Faith is 5 months old today! I can't believe it! Still seems like she's a brand new baby. She is developing so well it makes me happy! We had a busy day today and this evening is going to be busy too. Hopefully she sleeps well tonight then! Here are some pictures from this evening.

All cute and cuddly!!

Her frequent face she makes lately. Wonder where she got that from?!?!?!?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Things

Last night we got a new 4 legged creature in our house! His name is Wrigley. He is 7 years old. He is very sweet. He is good with the cats and also with Faith. He just minds his own business. He loves attention and wants to be petted all the time. He's such a good boy!! Here are some pictures of him that we took last night.

Another new thing that is happening...Faith is getting her first tooth!!! It's popping up on the bottom. We've known for awhile that she was teething but didn't really think a tooth would pop up already! We are so excited!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

ER Trip #2

Last night James parents came over to visit with us and we were having a good time when I started to just not feel right. I went in the bathroom as I felt like I had to go but nothing happened. Then I started feeling like I was going to vomit, which I didn't, and started feeling shaky and out of it. I got myself out of the bathroom and into the livingroom and everyone asked if I was ok. I said "No, I don't feel good." They jumped up and sat me down as I was white as a ghost, I was hot and sweaty but cold to the touch and just going in and out. James quick called my parents and then took me to the ER. By the time I reached there I was feeling better. They did an EKG and also took my blood sugar and everything was normal. They said that this is common in people my age and that it's a fainting spell. Sometimes when people are in so much pain this is their body's way of handling it. So I just have to take it easy and if I have this happen again, I just have to lay down right away and it should pass. Poor James and his parents, I gave them quite a scare!! Sorry!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Appt With Surgeon

I will be meeting with the surgeon on the 14th. So I have to wait another week yet. I'm hoping I am able to make it! That's all the updates we have for now. Please continue to pray for healing during this time. Thanks.

ER Visit

James and I just got back from the ER. I had severe abdominal and side pain and it wasn't getting better so about 3am this morning James took me in. They did an ultrasound and also a CT scan and they discovered that I have gall stones. Lucky me!! I am going to have my gallbladder removed sooner than later. It's just a matter of time and also how well I can handle the pain for now. Please keep us in your prayers. I'm off to bed to sleep off these strong pain meds! I'm in lala land! :)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Busy Times

This weekend sure is busy for us! Yesterday James came home from work and worked outside on the yard. We had friends over for dinner and we hung out. Good times. Then this morning James worked at the Cadet breakfast at church so my mom picked up Faith and I and we went there. Sure was yummy! This afternoon James is with his cadet cadrey shooting off rockets. My mom is here entertaining Faith so I can do laundry and also have a quick minute to post on here. Tonight James and I are going on a hot date! :) My parents are watching Faith overnight for us and we'll meet up with them at my cousin's church in the morning as his son is getting baptized. Then who knows what else tomorrow will bring. Tomorrow night we have Bible Study after church. Looking forward to that. Always enjoy going to that.
Well, back to doing laundry. Sure is never ending around here!!!!