Friday, November 9, 2007

ER Trip #2

Last night James parents came over to visit with us and we were having a good time when I started to just not feel right. I went in the bathroom as I felt like I had to go but nothing happened. Then I started feeling like I was going to vomit, which I didn't, and started feeling shaky and out of it. I got myself out of the bathroom and into the livingroom and everyone asked if I was ok. I said "No, I don't feel good." They jumped up and sat me down as I was white as a ghost, I was hot and sweaty but cold to the touch and just going in and out. James quick called my parents and then took me to the ER. By the time I reached there I was feeling better. They did an EKG and also took my blood sugar and everything was normal. They said that this is common in people my age and that it's a fainting spell. Sometimes when people are in so much pain this is their body's way of handling it. So I just have to take it easy and if I have this happen again, I just have to lay down right away and it should pass. Poor James and his parents, I gave them quite a scare!! Sorry!!!!

1 comment:

Shanna said...

oh man girl!! that is all i got to say. I am glad that everything ended up okay!!