Saturday, January 26, 2008


Sure has been about a week since I've last posted. Time just gets away from me! Let's see...what have we been up to?!?! Well, James has been busy working in Kalamazoo. He'll be there for awhile yet. It's a big job. They are really busy as they are getting more and more bids every week. We are so thankful for that!
Faith has been just loving sitting up! She'll just sit there forever and play with her toys. She's getting to be such a big girl! She also loves, loves, loves her exersaucer. She'll see that and she gets all excited so in she goes! She'll spend all day in there. She's getting close to crawling and I just know that one of these days she's gonna take off! However, I'm enjoying her NOT crawling at the moment because once she's got it figured out, she's gonna be all over the place. She is a mover. She's not one to sit still. She'll sit still when it comes time to have her bottle and also when we read a book. Other than that, she's gotta move! I just love being home with her every day. It's such a blessing.
I haven't been up to much lately. Yesterday Faith and I got out and went for lunch with a friend that we haven't seen in awhile. That was fun. Then we stopped in at my mom's work to see everyone. Everyone just loves Faith! I've been keeping busy working out and also just spending time with Faith. She is starting to be awake more during the day so we spend lots of time talking and playing. We have friends over a lot during the week and weekend so that keeps us busy. Never a dull moment around here!

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