Friday, February 22, 2008

Not Much Going On... our lives lately. James has been busy working and Faith and I are busy hanging out together. I had the car today so we got to go out and about. Sure felt good on this beautiful day! We visited some friends and then went shopping. It's my dad's bday tomorrow so we got him a gift. We are going to my parents house for dinner on Sunday to celebrate it. My grandpa will be there too. Sure will be nice. Then in a couple weeks we are getting together with my brother and his wife and the boys to celebrate my dad's and my brother's bday. Lots of bday parties ahead! Then of course in April, it's mine and James bday.
Faith is my little sweetheart. She says "mama". It's so darn cute! Everything is "mama." I just love it! She still is not crawling, but that is ok. She moves her legs but not her arms. So she's getting closer! I am trying to feed her out of a sippie cup since her surgery is in 5 weeks (ahhhhh!!!) and will not be able to use her bottle for a few weeks after surgery. It's not going so well, but we're working on it. Hopefully she'll get used to it sooner than later!
Tonight James and I are just hanging out at home. We cleaned out and organized one of the spare bedrooms. That was a project! Sure looks nice now. Our next big cleaning and organizing project is the basement storage area. Not sure when that will be though. That is gonna take awhile but will be well worth it.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

oh man, i hate organizing!! but i sure feel good when it is done....way to go!!! Happy B-Day SSSSSSTeve!!!!