Monday, June 23, 2008 we come!!

Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Colorado for the week. James and I are looking forward to getting away and spending time with each other and friends. Our good friends are getting married on Friday and we are excited to be there with them on their special day. It is going to be beautiful!! Faith will be staying with my parents this week. It is going to be hard leaving her for so long but we know that she's in good hands. I'm gonna miss her bright smiles in the morning and all her chattering when she first wakes up. On the other hand....I can sleep in! LOL She's going to have fun at her grammie and grampie's house. And I'm sure that I will call EVERY chance I get!!!

Life for us has been the same. Nothing really much going on lately. James has been super busy with work and also side jobs. He keeps having to post-pone (did i spell that correctly?!?) his side jobs as his regular job is really busy. We are thankful for that but at the same time poor James just wants to relax. So this week will be good for him. Faith has been busy as all get out. She gets into anything and everything she can. Not much slows her down anymore. It's so fun to just sit and watch her play with her toys and wonder what is going on in her mind. She isn't walking yet but I'm sure she will be soon. Then she's really gonna be everywhere!!!

Well, I suppose I should re-pack what Faith has just un-packed. Please pray that we will have safe travels this week and that we won't miss Faith too much!!

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