Saturday, September 8, 2007

Busy Week

So this past week has been super busy. Sunday we went to church in the morning, some friends came over in the afternoon and we just relaxed in the evening, Monday my parents were over and had dinner with us, Tuesday-Friday James was gone in Wisconsin so I stayed at my parents house with Faith. Her and I were busy hanging out with friends and running errands. James was in a softball tournament this weekend. Played 2 games last night and 4 games today. Faith stayed at my parents house last night but we took her along today and she did really well. I was nervous about how she would do but I had nothing to worry about! She made me proud. Everyone kept saying she's so cute and she would just smile at them like "i know i am!" She had a doc appt earlier this week and she weighs 8 pounds! Yip yee! Well, she weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces...but...she had on her clothes and had a wet diaper. So I'm just saying she weighs 8 pounds. Although by now I'm sure she's a tad bigger. She has filled out some more this past week. She's my little cutie pie!


Shanna said...

i am so excited to meet her!!!!

KT said...

Good girl Faith! Keep growing! Andrew sends boy cooties your way! Can't wait to see you agian!
BTW, Andy Ryan is a 9.5 pounder!!