Sunday, December 16, 2007

Busy Weekend

This weekend has been busy but good for us. Friday night Faith and I went with my parents to visit my grandma Miller in the nursing home. She will be 88 later this week and she is not doing real well. She has alzhimers (not sure if i spelled that correctly or not...). It's so sad for me to visit her when she's like that. Can't really hold a conversation with her at all. We got pictures but my desktop computer is acting funny so I can't post them on here (so thankful for our laptop so i can still post!!) but as soon as I can, I will. After that my parents came over and we ordered pizza for dinner and we hung out. Saturday James and I went to the movies with some friends and then out to dinner and then we all came back to our house. Today we went to church and then have just been relaxing. James is battling a cold right now so he's been wanting to just lay low, which I don't blame him!
Anyone else enjoying the snow? It's so pretty when it's untouched...I just love it! I'm hoping for a white Christmas!
Faith is one busy little girl! Right now she's on her playmat and talking away and trying to crawl. She's close...not sure when it'll happen. She's been doing good with her cereal. Today I tried sweet potatoes with her too. That was a hoot watching her eat it. She made the funniest face ever!! James and I burst into laughter. Hopefully she will continue to do well with eating. She's actually been doing really well on her bottles too! We are sooooo thankful for that. She was averaging about 15 ounces a day, which is 1/2 of what a baby her age should be drinking, and now she's averaging about 2o ounces. Makes us happy! She's getting there. She sleeps roughly 11-12 hours at night which is nice. We put her to bed around 8:30-9pm and then she's up around 8-8:30am for her bottle. Not too shabby!

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