Friday, December 7, 2007

Yeah For Faith!!!

The dietitian came over today and weighed Faith...she weighs 11 pounds!! She gained 15oz in 2 weeks!!!! That is one of her best weight gains ever! I have noticed within the past couple days that her clothes are getting too small for her so today I pulled out her 3-6 month clothes and am packing away all her 0-3 month stuff! But, as I was going thru her clothes, it kinda made me sad as there are a lot of brand new things she hasn't even worn due to wrong time of year. And also makes me sad as there are a lot of cute clothes we got from Bob and Susie that she won't get to wear due to wrong time of year also. Shucks. Oh well. Maybe if we have another child and it's a girl, she can wear them. But I am so thankful that she had a good weight gain. I am also going to start her on cereal on a regular basis. I'm excited for that! Hopefully that will help with weight gain too. The dietitian and I also went thru a list of things that babies due at 6 months of age and Faith is doing really well. Especially since she isn't even 6 months yet! Praise God!!!

1 comment:

Shanna said...

way to go little girl!! we are so proud of you..way to put on that weight!