Monday, March 31, 2008

Pictures from Faith's Surgery

Here are some pictures from Friday and Saturday. She's my little trooper!

In her gown before surgery
Momma kissing her baby girl
Saturday morning, starting to feel better
Trying to be a big girl and feed herself
Momma and Faith on our way out the hospital

So Far...

...things are going pretty good. The thing that is the most rough is feeding her. She does not like her sippy cup or syringe. She wants her bottle! But, she can't have that. So that is frusterating to us as she'll just cry and scream because she's hungry but won't take it. Last night I did get her to drink some juice from the sippy and this morning she had some formula from the sippy too. She's learning, I hope, that this is how it's gonna have to be. She is on a lot of meds right now but within the next couple of days those will slowly be taken away. By the end of the week she shouldn't be on anything anymore. She's getting meds every 3 hours! Even through the night. Poor thing!
Please pray that she will take to her sippy cup so she will eat well and not lose a lot of weight. Thanks.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Yes it's true, Faith is home!!! She got discharged this afternoon and has been eating really well from the sippy cup. We are still syringe feeding her a bit though too. She takes about half her feeding from the sippy and the other half from the syringe. She is still adjusting to the "no-no's"(arm restraints) but she will get used to them in no time. We will post pictures a little later of her in those, it's adorable! We hope that this evening goes well with her as she adjusts to being home again, sleeping with the "no-no's" and hopefully her pain will be under control. We can truly say that our God is awesome and we are always under His care. We are truly blessed as a family. Thanks for all your prayers and please continue to pray for a complete and speedy recovery.

How All is Going

So far she is doing well. She is not on oxygen and is keeping all her STATs good. I just fed her some formula and hopefully she will keep that down and will be able to continue to drink that. She does ok with the sippy cup for a bit and then she fusses so then I end up syringe feeding her. Which is fine. At least she's getting food! The docs said that if her pain can get controled without IV meds and she is taking enough fluids and does not spike a temp today, that she can come home later this afternoon/evening. So that is what we are praying for!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yet another update today...

Faith is doing really well. She drank some Pedia-lite (is that how it's spelled??) and she preferred it from a sippy cup than a syringe! Yeah for Faith! Right now she is trying to rest on James. She'll doze for a few minutes and then she wakes, then dozes, then wakes. She was alert earlier tonight and almost seemed like her normal self. It was so good to see her like that!
James will be leaving here in a little while and I plan on spending the night. James will be back up in the morning so that's good. We figured that one of us should get a good nights rest tonight and he deserves it from working so hard this week. I'm hoping to get somewhat caught up on sleep but not sure that will happen. Oh well if it doesn't. We're praying that if she continues to do well overnight and tomorrow morning that she'll get to come home tomorrow! That would be just so awesome!!!!!!!!

Faith's Surgery Update

Faith's surgery went well. Surgery was approxiately 3 hours long. She then went to the recovery room where she spent another 4 hours. She had difficulty breathing and because of that she is in ICU on the Ped's floor. She is for sure staying tonight and possibly tomorrow night. At this time she is doing really well. She is not on oxygen right now and the pain meds are not given as often as earlier today. We will be trying to feed her later today so we'll see how that goes. We are praying that she will be able to come home tomorrow but are ok if she needs to stay another night. Better to be on the safe side!
At this time we are asking for no visitors as today has been a long and traumatic day for Faith (and mom and dad!)

And some more waiting...

Faith is in for surgery and so we are just waiting. Dr Scalf (who is doing the tubes in her ears and also tongue tie release) is going first and should be done here shortly and then will be talking with us. Then Dr Mann will do his thing.
We are headed down to eat some breakfast after Dr Scalf talks with us. Sure am hungry!
We have taken over a corner in the waiting room. Sure is pretty full in here!


We are here in the hospital right now waiting to go to the "holding" room before Faith's surgery. So far things are going good. We had a rough night with Faith but we survived. Once her fever broke (around 1am) then she slept until we had to get her up. So James and I are tired since we didn't get much sleep. Maybe while we wait while she's in surgery we can catch a few zzz's. Faith is sleeping right now on James. Poor thing is exhausted, hungry and confused! But she's our little champ! We will update this as things go on today. Thanks for all the prayers so far and please continue to pray that all goes well with surgery and recovery!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Need Prayers...

...and lots of them ASAP!!!

Faith woke up this morning sick! She has a fever of 102.2 and is congested. I have been doing my best to get her temp down and her feeling better so she can still have surgery tomorrow. Please pray that she will be all better by tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Faith's Surgery

Well....Friday is the big day for Faith! It is going to be at 7:30am. We have to arrive at the hospital at 5:30am. Sure is early!!! Sure feels real now. Only 3 more days. Please pray that the surgery will go well and that she will heal quickly! Thanks!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

We hope and pray that everyone had a great Easter today. We had a busy but fun filled day. We went to church this morning and then to my parents house for lunch and fellowship with family. Faith had a blast and didn't want to sleep very long while there. She didn't want to miss out on any action! Here are just a few pic's from the day....

Faith and Pierce

Faith, Pierce and my gpa Brown
Anyone want some Faith stew?? LOL

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Where did the grass go?

I can't believe all the snow that we got yesterday! It's insane! I thought it was spring, not winter still! I am ready for this white stuff to go away and for the sun to be out and the green grass to show again!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Please Pray

Faith woke up from her nap is sounding stuffy. Please pray that she is not getting sick! She will not be able to have surgery next week if she is congested and sick. I'm praying it was just a fluke thing but we'll see. I am just getting over a terrible cold so it's possible that she is getting sick. Please pray she does not get sick and that she can still have her surgery next week!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Dirty Face

My parents came over tonight to spend some time with Faith and I while James was at Cadets. Faith and my dad were just hanging out and she was chewing/sucking on my dad's watch and before we knew it, her face and bib were black! We couldn't help but giggle. My dad didn't realize how dirty his watch really was (it was his work watch so of course it's gonna be dirty dad!! LOL). I had to catch a picture of it. Good thing tonight was bath night!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Last Night

We had such a fantastic evening last night! We visited with friends of the family from TN. We all enjoyed each others company and just hanging out. The evening went by too quickly though!
Here are just a couple of pics from the evening.

April and I

Gary and my dadOwen
James, Owen and Autumn
James and Owen

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Purchase

James and I went door shopping today. We purchased 2 new storm doors! They are the same door but we just loved it that we don't care! James is hoping to install them sometime this week. I'm super geeked about it!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Loving This Weather

I must say that I am totally loving this weather! Faith and I were out and about today and I wore FLIP FLOPS!! It was great! I hope the weather stays nice!

For Giggles...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

9 Months

Faith is 9 months old today! Sure is crazy! James and I were talking last night and I told him that I almost don't feel like this is real. I can't believe all that we've been thru these past 9 months and what we're going to be facing here shortly. I am so ready to have everything behind us!
Here are some pictures of her pretty toes! My friend and I painted them last week. On her big toes are flowers. Kinda hard to see...I tried to get a decent picture but it's kinda hard to have her hold her foot still long enough to get a picture!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sooooooooo Excited!!

James and I are gonna have a GREAT weekend! It starts out Friday night with us going to a Euchre tournament, Saturday morning we have the Cadet breakfast at church (which...if you are looking for a yummy bfast, stop on by! it goes from 7-10:30) and then in the evening we are going to be spending time with friends that are coming to town from out of state! They are only in town for the night and they are friends of the family and I haven't seen them in FOREVER! I am super excited to see them. And they get to meet Faith! Gosh, I just can't wait until Saturday!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I finally got some pictures on here from Saturday! Not sure why I couldn't before, oh well.

Here is Faith and her Uncle Kevin. She loves his hats!
Here she is in a cute snow suit.

That's all I really have from this weekend. Hope you liked them!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Drum Roll Please......

And now...the moment we've all been waiting for.....Faith's current weight is..........14 pounds!!! Woohoo!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our Weekend

We had a busy but good weekend. Friday night James and I went to the movies. It was great getting out just the two of us and spending time together. Then we decided to go grocery shopping to get even more time alone before heading home for the night. Saturday we had Faith's 9 month pictures and then we had a birthday party for my brother at my parents house. We had a yummy meal! My mom made ribs, baked potatoes, grape salad, corn, baked beans, fresh veggies and bread. Then we had cake and ice cream for dessert. We sure were full! Kevin and Myssi enjoyed spending time with Faith. They are amazed at how big she's gotten since the last time they saw her (which was in Dec). Faith loved every minute of it! She was so full of smiles and giggles. Today I am not feeling good so I've been sleeping most of the day. James and Faith went to church this morning and are going again tonight. I'm hoping to feel better soon and to not get Faith sick. She needs to stay healthy before her surgery!
Oh, and I have pictures from yesterday but for some odd reason it won't let me post them so I'll have to get them up another day. Hope everyone is doing good!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Hey you...

Yeah know who you are. Is the pic better now?!?! LOL

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!!

Seems like whenever I think about posting on here, I get busy with something else and I just don't post! So I have some time now and here I am!
March is a busy month for us. Faith has lots of doctor appointments this month along with her surgery in a little over 3 weeks. She's already been to an eye doctor and ENT this week. Both appointments went well. Faith will be getting tubes put in her ears the same time of her cleft surgery. She is also a bit tongue tied so they will be fixing that as well. Not a big deal per the ENT. She has 3 more appointments yet this month. And then of course April will be busy with post-op appointments. I'll be glad when this ordeal is over with!
James has been busy with work and also Cadets. Last week was the Derby Car race for our entire church. That was a lot of fun. James was the "starter" so he got to release the cars down the track. He had a good time! Faith and I had fun watching all the cars go down the track.
This week is yet another busy week for us. But that's ok. Helps time go quickly then. Tomorrow night is our soup supper at church. We are sooooo looking forward to that. That is always a good time. Good food and fellowship. Can't get any better than that!
Here are some pictures of Faith. She's just one happy girl!

What ya doing momma?
Seriously...what you doing?
Oh, you want to take my picture. Ok!
Is this a good face? No, well I'll try again...
How about this one? Yeah!!!