Monday, March 31, 2008

So Far...

...things are going pretty good. The thing that is the most rough is feeding her. She does not like her sippy cup or syringe. She wants her bottle! But, she can't have that. So that is frusterating to us as she'll just cry and scream because she's hungry but won't take it. Last night I did get her to drink some juice from the sippy and this morning she had some formula from the sippy too. She's learning, I hope, that this is how it's gonna have to be. She is on a lot of meds right now but within the next couple of days those will slowly be taken away. By the end of the week she shouldn't be on anything anymore. She's getting meds every 3 hours! Even through the night. Poor thing!
Please pray that she will take to her sippy cup so she will eat well and not lose a lot of weight. Thanks.

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