Friday, March 28, 2008

Yet another update today...

Faith is doing really well. She drank some Pedia-lite (is that how it's spelled??) and she preferred it from a sippy cup than a syringe! Yeah for Faith! Right now she is trying to rest on James. She'll doze for a few minutes and then she wakes, then dozes, then wakes. She was alert earlier tonight and almost seemed like her normal self. It was so good to see her like that!
James will be leaving here in a little while and I plan on spending the night. James will be back up in the morning so that's good. We figured that one of us should get a good nights rest tonight and he deserves it from working so hard this week. I'm hoping to get somewhat caught up on sleep but not sure that will happen. Oh well if it doesn't. We're praying that if she continues to do well overnight and tomorrow morning that she'll get to come home tomorrow! That would be just so awesome!!!!!!!!


KT said...

I've been tuned to your blog since the beginning. Glad to hear all is well, even though we knew it would be. Give Faith hugs from us. We will continue to pray for a quick recovery and peaceful rest for you all.

Shanna said...

oh i am so glad things went well, I was thinking and praying for you all day yesterday. thanks for all the updates. And now I pray that you can get some sleep!!! Love ya!