Monday, April 21, 2008

Becoming a Big Girl!

Today we had Faith's 3 week post-op appointment and all is well. She has one stitch left but that will dissolve soon. The doctor gave us the ok to not have her wear her arm restraints anymore and she can start foods again! Yeah! I fed her cereal and carrots this afternoon and she ate it like a pro! I can't believe how MUCH she ate though! Wow! Before when I was feeding her cereal and carrots, she wasn't taking a whole container of it. Today she ate a whole container full of carrots plus a bunch of cereal! I was happy! I am looking forward to weaning her off her bottles and starting to introduce foods to her. The doctor said that we can do stage 1 foods this week, stage 2 next week, stage 3 the week after that and then we can feed her whatever we want! Yip yee!!!!! We are so thankful that her mouth has healed well. Thanks to everyone for your prayers throughout everything we've gone through. You have no idea how much that meant to us.

1 comment:

Meyers Family said...

YAY!!! So glad things are going so well for Faith again!