Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good and Bad

Good news first. Faith is doing wonderful! She started pulling herself up on furniture the other day and is also doing that in her crib. So we lowered her crib yesterday so she won't fall out. We lowered it all the way to the bottom and let me tell ya....sure is hard getting her in and out of there! Being short is hard! LOL But I'll get used to it. Yesterday we got to see Katy and Andrew. Andrew is so darn cute! And so big too! He is 22 pounds! Poor Faith is 15, if even that! We took pictures and I'll have to post those another time. It was so good to see them.
Now the bad news....Faith is sick! She woke up this morning all congested and has been spitting up really bad. We took her to church but kept on spitting up so Faith and I came home and James is still at church as he is running the sound board today. Poor honey buns! I feel so bad. She fell asleep on the car ride home and she is just out cold right now. I hope she sleeps a lot today so she'll feel better soon!

1 comment:

andrew,betsy,& noura said...

haha that sounds EXACTLY like our Sunday! my hubby ran sound, my kid spit up all day (as usual) and was congested(I think teething) Very funny!