Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our Wonderful Summer

I can't believe that July is half over with already. Summer is going by sooooo quickly! But this summer has been so great already and there are still more exciting things to come! We have been able to spend time with Don and Jodi and their 2 girls already. We visited with friends in Colorado and one of my friends was in town from California. It was great to see them. My uncle and aunt from New York were in town and we got to spend time with them too. And looking ahead we will be spending lots of time with Bob, Susie and their 4 kids next week! It has been a year since we've seen Susie and the kids and a bit longer than that since we've seen Bob. Faith has yet to meet her Uncle Bob. Then in August we get to see James's Uncle George and Aunt Luanne. And they too have yet to meet Faith. I have another friend coming in town in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing her and meeting her new baby girl! This summer has just been filled with all kinds of friends and family and we love it!

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