Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ever Wonder????

Ever wonder what your friends from high school are up to these days? I was thinking tonight that I wish I knew where some of my old friends were, how they are doing, and what's new with them. I know for me, life has been crazy....good and bad. I've done a lot of growing up these past few years (or at least I like to think I have!) and I think I've done pretty well handling life's challenges and joys that have come my way. Of course I know that I couldn't have gotten thru what I have without God. I have really grown a lot closer to him since my grandmother died in 2004. I have learned to lean on Him in the good and the bad. And now that I am a mom, I hope and pray that I can raise my daughter in the fear and knowledge of Him and that she will someday take God as her personal Lord and Savior. I know that James and I will have our struggles raising her and any future children we may have, but just knowing that we can take everything to God and he will help us through everything makes me at peace. I know that everything will be just fine.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

You will be a wonderful mom...your mom was great, and you will be great.....I am nervous about the same things, and i got no answers for you! sorry :)