Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Can You Find Freddie???

I walked into my room this afternoon and I just thought that Frankie was snoozing on our bed. Lo and behold I found another kitty sleeping in there too! Do you see him??

Here he is poking out his cute little face!

Trick Or Treat

My mom got Faith this adorable outfit to wear today. Granted, it's a bit too big for her as she's such a tiny little peanut! But I couldn't help but take some pictures of her in it anyways!

Ummm....Mom....I'm not too sure about this


Laughing for the camera!

Loving my time with my grandpy!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Week Has Gone By

Goodness time has just been flying by! I used to be really good at updating this! I'll do my best to try and update more often.
Let's see if I can remember what all has been going on....James has been busy working here, there and everywhere! His work is really busy so he's been putting in some overtime. So that is good.
Faith had her 4 month appointment last week. She weighs 9 pounds 5 ounces. She's still tiny, but she's growing! Her doctor says she looks good and is happy with how she is developing.
I have been busy hanging out with friends and doing things around the house.
This past weekend was busy but good. James went to Canada as his brother Don got ordained on Saturday. James enjoyed seeing him and his family. Faith and I spent the day together hanging out. My mom and Aunt Diane came over and spent some time with Faith. At night Faith and I went to some friends house and had fun there! Yesterday we went to our church in the morning. Our new pastor got installed!! It was a great service! Then we went to my parents house for lunch and spent the afternoon there. Faith and my mom took a little snooze together. James and my dad spent time outside doing who knows what. We went to my grandpa's church at night, Godwin Heights, as it was their closing ceremony. It was a wonderful service. It was hard though at the end. I have so many memories at that church. My whole family was there and then we all went to my grandpa's afterwards for dinner. Then we watched a memory DVD of Godwin Heights. It was a very well put together DVD. Funny to see some people from way back when. Overall though, yesterday was a good day. The whole weekend was good.
This week looks to be busy too. I will try and update more and also post some pictures of Faith. My mom has a really cute one of Faith and my grandpa. He was giving her a horsey ride on his knee. Very cute! Faith totally loved it! I will have to get that from my mom and post it.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Just Some Pictures

Here is Faith in her Michigan T-shirt and booties.

Here she is all bundled up and ready to go home!

Here she is with her Friday buddy!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Last few days

Well, what can I's been busy busy busy!!! Friday night we went to Don and Jodi's to say goodbye to them as they moved to Canada that evening. That was hard. Poor James doesn't have either of his brothers in town anymore. Heck, at this point, neither are even in the same country! Friday evening we hung out with friends, Saturday James worked in the morning for a bit, then we went to my parents house as my brother and his foreign exchange students came to town. We all had lunch there and just hung out. At night we hung out with friends again. And now it's Sunday evening and the week is starting all over again! And it's gonna be another busy week! Sure do have a lot planned!
Faith turned 4 months old yesterday. I will have to post some pictures of her from yesterday. She was sporting her Michigan gear. She looked oh so very cute! :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Busy Day

Faith and I had a busy day today. It started by taking James to work this morning (which was super early!!!) and then we returned home and got ready for Faith's doc appointment with the genetic doctor. The doc said that Faith looks good and there is no concern and Faith does not have to return! Yip yee! Then we came home and my dad watched Faith for awhile for me while I was out. Then Faith had another doc appt this afternoon regarding her weight. She is up to 9 pounds 1 ounce. She's a tiny thing but she's growing and the doctor isn't concerned. So that was good too. Then we had to pick up James from work and now we're home for a few minutes before heading out again! We are going to my parents to have dinner with them and just hang out. My parents have us over at least once a week for dinner. Which we totally enjoy! Just watching my parents with Faith makes us smile. My dad is just the best with her. He makes up silly songs and just enjoys spending time with her. And yes, of course my mom LOVES her time with Faith. But that didn't need to be mentioned, we all know how much my mom loves Faith and can't get enough of her. I think that's my mom's addiction. Gosh, we're just a family full of addictions! LOL Good thing they aren't bad addictions!! Then we'd really be in trouble!!!!


Hi, my name is Julie and I'm addicted to blogs. It all started when family and friends wanted us to start one so they could stay updated on how things are going. I am extremely addicted. I check all my family and friends blogs daily. And not just once a day, like a dozen times a day! I get sad when there are no updates but when there is an update, I am super excited! So, there you have it, I have a blog addiction!!!!!!!!!
Anyone else have this addiction???

Monday, October 8, 2007


Ok, so most of you, if not all of you, are wondering what our big prayer request has been regarding. It all started when we found out that we were expecting a baby. We weren't sure if I should go back to work or stay at home. So that decision was made-I'd stay home. But then things got a bit more confusing regarding finances and jobs and whether or not to move away or stay in town. My parents built a new house and we had talked about James and I selling our house and moving in with them for awhile. That is still up in the air. Then we were looking at moving to North Carolina. Which, we are pretty sure God has closed that door for us. Even though this past week it had seemed that it was still open, but it's not. At least not at this point. Then we weren't sure if I should go back to work to try and help out with finances but if I do that, then we have to pay child care and get another car. Which, let's be honest, we can't afford! But then I got a phone call today from Spectrum (a different office then what I worked at) and they want me to work for them. They want me to come down this week so we can see what we can work out. Which I am going to do. But if I take the job...who will watch Faith? How will James and I both get back and forth to work with only 1 car???? So now that you all know what our prayer request is consisting of, please pray for us. This is a difficuilt time for us. Thanks.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Calling Grandmie!!!

My mom was over this afternoon for a bit and we had fun with Faith and my mom's cell phone. It was just the best! Plus we just had to take a few pics of her in her hat!
Hey Grandmie! What ya doing?

Look at me ma, no hands!

I'm so beautiful!!!

Faith and Andrew

We had company the other night. Faith's buddy Andrew and his parents came over. We couldn't believe how big Andrew was and they couldn't believe how little Faith was! It was such a great time. The kids did pretty well. Here are some pic's of them:

Friday, October 5, 2007


James and I would like you to please pray for what we have listed on the right side of this page. Especially the first one. We're not going into detail about what it's all about at this time, but this is something we have been struggling with for some time now and things just seem to get more and more confusing, but yet also more clear, it that makes any sense at all. This has been on our hearts for about a year now and we think we're getting closer to what God wants for us. It's definitely one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Daddy Days

Where should I start...the funny news? Or just plain news???? I think the plain news....James gave Faith her first bath tonight! He's watched me give her baths plenty of times but just never gave her one himself. So I walked him through it. Her next bath he's gonna have to do it all by himself! He done-did good tonight though. Faith wasn't too sure about it, she kept looking at me with worried eyes, but she survived!!
Now for the funny news. I was out last night and as I came in the door, James was all flustered. I asked him what was wrong and he said that Faith pooped on him!!!!! He was feeding her and he thought she was just tooting until he got a snif of something and looked down and she had pooped on his shirt and shorts. It was also running down her leg!! So he rushed her into her room and got her all cleaned up. Then he got his clothes cleaned up too. I just stood there laughing as he was doing this. I don't think I helped the situation any. But it was just so funny. So he's joined his buddy in the "Potty Party Group". Glad I'm not part of that group! At least not yet!! I'm sure as time goes on I'll be one of the new members!

Monday, October 1, 2007


Faith got baptized yesterday and all went well. She slept thru the whole thing! She didn't make a peep when the minister sprinkled the water (ok, more like drenched her). She had it running down her face into her eyes and it ran down the back of her head. She didn't even budge! We were so happy that she did so well. She wore the dress that I wore when I was baptized and I sang a song, the one that was sung at my baptism. So it was a special day for the family.

Here she is before we left for church.

Here daddy is trying to burp her. Ain't she so cute?!?!?

And here is the family!