Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Week Has Gone By

Goodness time has just been flying by! I used to be really good at updating this! I'll do my best to try and update more often.
Let's see if I can remember what all has been going on....James has been busy working here, there and everywhere! His work is really busy so he's been putting in some overtime. So that is good.
Faith had her 4 month appointment last week. She weighs 9 pounds 5 ounces. She's still tiny, but she's growing! Her doctor says she looks good and is happy with how she is developing.
I have been busy hanging out with friends and doing things around the house.
This past weekend was busy but good. James went to Canada as his brother Don got ordained on Saturday. James enjoyed seeing him and his family. Faith and I spent the day together hanging out. My mom and Aunt Diane came over and spent some time with Faith. At night Faith and I went to some friends house and had fun there! Yesterday we went to our church in the morning. Our new pastor got installed!! It was a great service! Then we went to my parents house for lunch and spent the afternoon there. Faith and my mom took a little snooze together. James and my dad spent time outside doing who knows what. We went to my grandpa's church at night, Godwin Heights, as it was their closing ceremony. It was a wonderful service. It was hard though at the end. I have so many memories at that church. My whole family was there and then we all went to my grandpa's afterwards for dinner. Then we watched a memory DVD of Godwin Heights. It was a very well put together DVD. Funny to see some people from way back when. Overall though, yesterday was a good day. The whole weekend was good.
This week looks to be busy too. I will try and update more and also post some pictures of Faith. My mom has a really cute one of Faith and my grandpa. He was giving her a horsey ride on his knee. Very cute! Faith totally loved it! I will have to get that from my mom and post it.

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