Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Carving 101

At Post Family Farms, I bought a pumpkin and Andrew and Sarah helped us carve it lat night. We are all new to this so it was quite exciting! Here are just a few pictures of the evening.

James carving the top.

The yummy pumpkin seeds that we baked. Oh so tasty!

The pumpkin.

Andrew drawing the face on it.

James, Andrew, and Sarah being silly for a picture. It was fun carving the pumpkin. We put a candle in it and have it sitting on our front porch. Pretty nifty!!

1 comment:

shannagrigoletti said...

hey i haven't been on the computer lately, so i haven't been reading ur blog. but congrats on your job, that is exciting, and I hope it works out well for you! cute pics too! remember when u rode the pumpkin train!!! :)